Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spring 2008 Events

Turkish Movie Night - 9
Saturday, February 23, 2008
8:00pm, Campus Center Terrace Lounge
Eşkıya “The Bandit”
The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. His home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam, Baran heads for İstanbul to get revenge upon his former best friend, the man who snitched on him and stole his lover Keje. (IMDb)

Turkish Movie Night - 10
Saturday, April 5, 2008
8:00pm, Campus Center Terrace Lounge
Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü? “Who Killed the Shadows?”
Karagöz and Hacivat lived and died during the first clashes of the decaying Eastern Roman Empire and the early Ottomans of the 14th century Anatolia. Their stories and characters have been adapted for the traditional shadow theatre of the later Ottoman Empire, in modern Turkey and all over the Middle East, Greece and western Asia. (IMDb)

Turkish Day Reception
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
6:00–8:00pm, Campus Center Patroon Room
Celebration of the 88th National Sovereignty and Children's Day of Turkey featuring three prominent guest speakers and a Turkish folk musician preceded by dinner.